



Course Expectations

Ms. Gerughty


Welcome to success, where every day you give life your best shot and your best becomes better.  Come with an open mind and a heart ready to learn.  You will exceed your highest expectations and learn how to encourage yourself and others to succeed.




        All persons shall be treated with courtesy and respect at all times.


        All students shall come to class prepared to learn:

ü            on time

ü            with pen, pencil, notebook, and text

ü            with a scientific calculator

ü            with homework done clearly and neatly, ready to be turned in


Grading Policy


Your grade will be based on points

 earned in the following categories:


Tests and Quizzes                    







Grading scale:

A         93-100%         C+       77-79.9%

A-        90-92.9%        C         73-76.9%

B+       87-89.9%        C-        70-72.9%

B          83-86.9%        D+       67-69.9%

B-        80-82.9%        D         60-66.9%

                                    F          0-59.9%


Tests:   Tests are given every two to three weeks generally after the completion of several chapters. There will be a lab test (labs category) and an Individual test (tests and quizzes category). Announced and

un-announced quizzes are also given periodically. Calculators and other materials are not to be shared during tests. 



ü            All students are required to wear safety goggles and protective aprons/lab coats.

ü         Absolutely no horseplay.

ü            Follow all directions carefully.

ü            The laboratory must be completely clean before anyone goes to his/her next class, all students will help in cleanup until the task is complete.

ü            You will be fined for any damaged equipment.


Homework:      Homework is assigned most nights and is due the next day.  Late work will be accepted for ½ credit during the same unit.


What to do if I have an excused absence:


Tests:  If the absence is excused, then the student has as many days that s/he is absent to take the test.


Labs:            If you are absent on a lab day, you will be given a make-up assignment.


Homework:              The student has as many days that s/he is absent to complete the assignment.





ê         Students are to be in their seats when the bell rings.  Chemistry notebook should be on the desk and ready to go.


ê         It is understood that from time to time everyone runs late. Once a term is quite enough, more often than that holds the potential of becoming a bad habit, three tardies will result in a detention.


ê         Any work missed due to an unexcused absence may not be "made up."


ê         Work missed due to excused absence must be made up.  BE RESPONSIBLE. I will not bug you about missed work.




Students are required to have a lab notebook and chemistry binder (or section in their main binder) for this course.  The binder should consist of 4 sections: 1) Notes, 2) Assignments, 3) Labs, 4) Tests and Quiz Reviews.  Periodic notebook and binder checks will be given.




ê         Extra Help is available. ASK!!! I am very willing to help.  


ê         Students will treat all substitute teachers with the utmost of respect, and turn in all requested work.


ê         Honesty and Integrity: Any cheating will be dealt with severely. At the very least, the student will receive a zero for that assignment, and will be subject to all school disciplinary action.





ê         Parents may call me any time to discuss their child's participation in class. They are also welcome to make an appointment for a conference at any time they feel one is needed.


Contact information:

phone #: 841-8717


                        web page:





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